Whether you are new to Pilates or experienced, we have hundreds of exercise moves and complete workouts to help you move better and feel better!

My goal is to help people move better and feel better, so I have created hundreds of videos for you. You can learn to strengthen your core, foam roll your tight places, challenge yourself with the stability ball, travel with exercise bands and so much more. Exercise is a journey and I have learned so much along the way. I want to pass it on to you in safe and comfortable ways. I’m a stickler for form, so I will be cuing you on how to do things correctly! But you will get all the benefits of these great exercises in the safest possible ways.

Join me in your living room, hotel room or where ever you are!

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  • Long box plow explination
    • 11/16/21

    Long box plow explination

    In this video Wendy covers all the corrections and the objectives of the Plow on Long box. The goal is to work the extensor muscles of the spine, taking the thoracic spine into extension. Stabilizing the shoulders and firing the whole posterior chain are other important elements.

  • Pilates Back Row Series- Plow
    • 10/18/21

    Pilates Back Row Series- Plow

    In this video, Wendy shares some of the common challenges with performing the plow. It is a move that challenges the muscles in the back of the body that stabilize the shoulder blades. Particularly the middle and lower trapezius and the rhomboids.